Donnerstag, 3. Dezember 2009
Christmas time, memory time
Song: Seasons in the sun - Terry Jacks bzw. Le Moribond J. Brel
Quote: "The luck consists not in the fact that you can act like you want, but in the fact that you always want what you do." - Tolstoi.
Christmas time! Its getting dark outside, just around four o'clock and all I want to do is crawling under my blanket on my sofa with a nice, warm cup of black tee (the english way!) and watch out of my window, or the other way round and walk through the street, watching the stars and see my breath in the cold nightair and simply be happy. I think it doesn't need much, to be happy and that it are the small things that make you smile. But there are also the things, that can make you easily cry.
Well, well. It's almost 3 month, that I live here now. Wow, time is running.... Can't believe that. In ony two weeks I will be home again, but it will only be a visit, I am home here now. Strange thing to say. I didn't realize that when I was younger, that I will leave home and move 600km away. But it was the right thing to do. Love everything around me ;) And I am glad that (besides one day, when I got a sad letter from home)I didn't feel homesick at all. That's unusual for me. Maybe it is because I was so sure I what I will do after school, maybe I am grown up? No, can't be ;)
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